The BE 12 Energy Blog

Because 12 is my favorite number I hope you will take a minute and think of the many ways 12 is relevant. Here are some:

12 derived from 4 3s. # is the sign of the Trinity. Number of space and time, Apollo 12, 12 men have walked on the moon, 12 months in a year, 12 days of Christmas, 12 disciples, 12 stones were placed to carry the Ark of the Covenant, 12 loaves of bread were left after Jesus fed the 5,000, Jewish boys and girls are Bat/bat mitzvah at 12, 12 steps of recovery.

On the 12th day of every month, I send 12 cards to people I love. Yes, I actually mail them. So today, I am starting the BE 12 Energy Blog. Thank you for checking in.

So, get ready today to juice up on BE 12 ValYou Energy.

And, starting today, I am posting the BE 12 Energy Blog. Today’s topic is building your core values. I am obsessed with this topic because it has never been more important to know thyself and live our values.

Today’s ValYou exercise will center you on being your best you. Remember everyone else is taken. Values are the principles that guide your actions and your behavior. They help you:

  • Find your purpose: Knowing your values helps you figure out what you want out of your life.

  • Guide your behavior: They help you behave in a way that matches who you want to be.

  • Make decisions: When you’re facing a decision, you can ask yourself what someone who values the things you do would choose.

  • Choose a career: When you know what matters to you, it’s easier to choose the right career path.

  • Increase your confidence: Identifying your values brings a sense of safety and stability into your life because you know what you want and what’s important to you.

As you begin this ValYOU Challenge, find 12 minutes today where you sit and think about your vision and how your values are the compass to living your best life. Why is this so important? Values build confidence and guide you in decision making. They help you navigate a life on purpose. Be kind to yourself. These are your values and your vision, so be honest.

To live our values we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk — we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts, and behaviors align with those beliefs.

Grab your favorite journal and writing utensil and answer these:

What inspires you? If you could do anything, what would it be? Describe your strengths and how you use them in work, family and play. What are you most passionate about? What values do you look for in your closest friends.

Look at the ValYou List. Select 5-7 words that describe you. Circle them.

Click here to access the list.

Write these values somewhere where you see them every day. Use them in your decisions. Keep a journal for at least 12 days of how you have lived them.

You’ve GOT THIS!!!